Thursday, June 14, 2007

Give it another try...

We're going to catch the bus to Astoria this evening, and hope to get the boat into saltier water at first light tomorrow morning.

If anyones curious, you can get ocean forecasts at They are the same as the official NOAA forecasts, but its a better interface I think. Friday and Saturday have a little more wind on our nose (10-20kts NW) than I'd prefer, but the swells (4-6 ft) are pretty manageable. This is the best we've seen in the last week and a half.

Assuming all goes well, we'll probably be incommunicado until Sunday evening or Monday when we reconnect with "civilization". Theres not much of anything between Astoria and Port Angeles (or Victoria). We'll probably put in to Neah Bay Saturday afternoon, but while they have great marina facilities and strawberry waffles, thats about it.

1 comment:

Charles Bolton said...

Bon Voyage!
We will eat strawberry shortcake in honor of your departure. They should be as good or better then your strawberry waffles.